

Natural Plant Growth Promoter

Sasyamrutham is a plant tonic that contains many vital elements. These elements are quickly bioavailable and support vegetative growth and robustness. Such robust plants are more tolerant to changes in the environment. Sasyamrutham due to its composition, accurate pH, and other factors, helps the plants to perform better, better photosynthesis, thus increasing the quantity and quality of crop yields. The uniform and accurate composition helps in fostering pest tolerance qualities to a plant and can shorten growth cycle


  • Suitable for all types of horticulture crops, flowering plants and vegetable plants.
  • Made of plant ingredients, safe to the user and no harmful side effects.
  • Effective against disease causing insects like aphids, mealybugs, whiteflies, weevils etc fungal diseases.

Ingredients & Expiry

Composition: Active principles of Vitex negundo, Vinca rosea, Azadirachta indica, Calotropis ggantea, and Lantana camara – 50% inerts and Functional media – 50% Expiry: 24 Months


Dosage: 10ml per litre of water

Usage: Aerial spray against sucking pests as aphids, Mealybugs, Trips, Mites and biting insects like caterpillars, Beerles, weevils etc. Sasyakavach has fairtly good effects against mildews, leaf spots, and other fungal plant pathogens.

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