

Plant-Based Pesticides for Sustainable Agriculture

Sasyakavach is a unique botanical combination where in, it should work against both sucking (mealy bugs, aphids, thrips, plant hoppers, leaf hoppers, whiteflies, scales, mites, bugs) and chewing type of insects (caterpillars, weevils, beetles, etc,.). Sasyakavach, being water soluble, can enter the plant system through both aerial and underfround plant parts and thus is systemic in action against sap sucking insects. It spreads and deposit nicely on the surface and thus can get into the insect gut on chewing, and hinders further growth and development. Entry of Sasyakavach in to the insect body is a must to cause the death and deformities in insect stages. Due to its multiple modes of action, Sasyakavach can protect the crop plants from both sucking as well as chewing types of insects.


  • Suitable for all types of horticulture crops, flowering plants and vegetable plants.
  • Made of plant ingredients, safe to the user and no harmful side effects.
  • Effective against disease causing insects like aphids, mealybugs, whiteflies, weevils etc fungal diseases.

Ingredients & Expiry

Composition: active principles of Vitex negund0, Vinca rosea, Azadirachta Indica, Calotropis gigantea, and Lantana camara – 50% Inerts and Functional media – 50%

Expiry: 24 Months from the date of manufacturing


Usage: Aerial Spray against sucking pests such as Aphids, Mealybugs, Thrips, Mites and biting insects like Caterpillars, Beetles, Weevils etc. Sasyakavach has fairly good effects against Mildwes, leaf spots, and other fungal plant pathogens.

Dosage: 10ml per litre of water

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